Sean and I made the conscious decision to leave Maverick behind in Washington when we visited this past October. It was a last minute decision, but it didn’t go without us thinking through every detail we could. We decided to leave Maverick at home because we have to drive up from El Paso, Texas to Washington in a span of 6 days. Last time we did this roadtrip, Maverick got deathly ill with fevers hitting 105 degrees, which was a chain reaction to our past 2021 being spent at least 50% in the ER or admitted for fevers. We didn’t want that to happen again.
As much as we miss our baby boy, we were able to accomplish a lot during these first two weeks without him. Sean was able to certify in a UAS certification which most jobs are requiring in the civilian world. I was able to take some courses in lactation (this is the HARDEST for me to do!). We were able to rearrange the stuff in our storage to prep for our last big move! YAY! And I was able to decompress from my mental strains. See, I have a lot going on in my head, and every day is a battle against anxiety and depression for me. Maverick doesn’t always help my case, so being away from him helped me recenter myself.
Lastly, we were able to, most importantly, reconnect as partners rather than parents. It’s weird right? You wouldn’t think that we had to reconnect, but it turns out we did.
See, partners vs parents. They both have the same letters in them, but switched around, they mean such different things. Well, the relationship is different. You can be both, but Sean and I have been so engulfed in taking care of Maverick every day, that we let the partner side of things fall way behind the parent side of things. We forgot what it was like to hold hands, or kiss each other good night, or cuddle. Oh my gosh, cuddling with someone other than MJ! The thought! Hahaha!
We were able to reconnect and rekindle our love for each other. Not that we stopped loving each other, but we were able to appreciate each other’s value much more during this time. We spent time doing things that we wanted to do, which Maverick made it hard to do. So if you get the chance to take a few days away from your kiddos, and spend it with your partner, I’d recommend taking all of that time and spending it wisely. Don’t take it for granted. Because you never know when you’ll get another moment like this to appreciate each other. Sean does so much for our family, it’s nice to finally thank him for it.
I can’t wait to be holding my baby again soon, but in the mean time, I’ll hold my babes. Love you, Babe. Thank you. xx.