It's Halftime: Mental resiliency tips for rallying during 2020 by Jaclyn Sison

I read a meme the other day on Facebook saying how 2020 was different levels of Jumanji, and it’s crazy how accurate that feels. So let’s do a lil recap on some of the events of 2020:

  • January: Almost WW3

  • February: Australia is up in flames; Maverick enters my world

  • March: Coronavirus takes over the world; Toilet Paper becomes gold

  • April: Kim Jong Un in a vegetative state rumors; scared of the Auntie that will take over NK

  • May: Murder Hornets from Hunger Games released to keep it lively

  • June: Ebola: the Sequel & #BLM movements

It’s been a lot to take in. It seems like just yesterday, everyone reconnected over the interwebs due to social distancing and lock downs across the globe. Now it seems like everyone is more divided than ever. The news and social media can be exhausting if it’s all you look at. While it is important to stay informed of current world events and the status of our country, it’s also important to be able to take a moment to reground and recenter yourself.

Mental resiliency is so important if you want to keep yourself from burning out.

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Unplug: Take a night off from all social media and news

It’s so much easier to say than it is to do this. You want to be connected. Going through the pandemic, we’ve become even more glued to our social outlets. Which is another reason why it’s a good idea to take a break from it sometimes. Put the phone down and take a breath. Rest your eyes from that ridiculous blue light that gives you life from the moment you wake up to right before your close your eyes for bed. Constant exposure to traumatic events can really take it’s toll on you.

If you’re out there trying to fight the good fight, you need to take care of yourself.

Watch a lighthearted movie or listen to feel-good music

Whenever I don’t feel good, I throw on a sing-a-long movie like any Disney classic. Right now, Maverick has been pretty happy watching Mulan, so that’s the one we go with. Or we’ll play Bruno Mars on Google Play and just dance. Music has this amazing ability to put you in a different mindset.

(Safely) gather with friends and laugh

Sometimes all you need to do is get with friends and just laugh about things. Remember with all that is going on, it is still okay to be happy with your friends. I know that when as a nurse, me and my friends have experienced some pretty sad shit together. The job gets crazy and overwhelming at times, and we literally have to laugh our way through it. If we didn’t, I doubt that any of us would be in this career field still.


It’s so much easier said than done to sit still and not think about anything. With the overwhelming amount of information coming at you, it’s hard to redirect your thought elsewhere. Apps such as Calm or Headspace are really great to provide guided meditation. Or even throwing on some chill lo-fi music and just sitting in a room staring out the window can be super helpful as well. If you want to take in the next step further, make an account on and take some free yoga classes. Focus on nothing but your breath and the muscle you’re stretching.

Seek therapy if the events have become too overwhelming

Everything you’re going through right now is valid. Whether it’s battling the health crisis of COVID-19, or realizing how close racism is to your home. Whether it’s you personally experiencing it, or if it’s a friend or family member going through it. If you are starting to feel very down and depressed, or anxious, or scared (more than usual), you should seek professional help. Talking it out with someone who won’t judge you can be very helpful.

Be there for one another!

We all want to be strong and stick together, so check in on your friends and family.

Some of your friends and family may be overwhelmed but won’t voice their personal concerns to anyone. So take the time to check in with them to see how they’re being affected by this. It is a lot to take in during the first half of 2020. This is halftime! So rally your team up, give that pep talk, ground yourselves, and get back in the game stronger.