International Women: The Future is Female! / by Jaclyn Sison


There is nothing stronger than a woman who has had to rebuild herself

I was already completely nerve-wrecked to be attending this get together of women. When I walked through the door, I was only expecting a few ladies to be seated around a table having coffee together. I was completely stunned when the entire cafe was full of women from all over the world. My nerves were wired, but I was immediately put at ease when each of them greeted me with a smile and a we went around the room to introduce ourselves.

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These ladies really were from all over the place! They were from Italy, USA, New Zealand, France, Colombia, Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, England, and South Korea! It was it’s own little mixing pot of International Women, and what a better way to celebrate Women’s History month!

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There is something about women coming together and sharing their experiences, their cultures, and their stories. This large group started out with a few women chatting over coffee, and grew unintentionally into what it is now. These ladies meet at different cafes every Wednesday to share their lives and grow together.

Cosmopolitan Women located here in the little country of South Korea. It’s amazing. I couldn’t help but smile at their laughter and the way they all interacted with each other. There were those who were having serious conversations, and others that were goofing around dancing around and saying hello to everyone.

The intention is to get together whether it be sharing a cup of coffee or exploring Korea and it’s rich culture.

Thank you for having me and sharing your experience with me. I hope to see you all soon again one day! Look at the rest of their photos on their Pixieset Gallery here!