Mindful movement
It is so important to get our bodies moving for our health. Studies show that it boosts energy, creativity, and thinking when we do mindful movements such as structured exercise routines, running, or yoga. It also helps because doing movements that use both sides of your body require both sides of your brain to move, so you’re actually making strong connections while exercising. Weird right?
More conversations and connection
We’re so caught up in the digital world that it seems like the only conversations we have are the ones on Facebook in the comments section. Small talk is getting harder and harder to do, which makes connecting face to face even harder. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and try to be the one that opens up conversations with strangers or people at work. Strengthen your connections, grow your community, increase your support. There’s no way that it can fail you!
Reflection journaling
One thing that I do like doing is blogging, obviously. It helps get emotions out and on paper, that way it’s not just bottled up inside. It doesn’t always have to be sad or angry emotions either. You can blog/journal about happy things to memorialize them forever. Sometimes it’s just nice to talk about your day to something that can’t judge you. And journal not to publish, but to just journal. That means not spending too much time proofreading and re-editing it. The best kinds of blogs are the ones that are written from the heart. Not this blog, this blog was planned. Lol.
Get a therapist
It is TIME for you to go therapy friend! Whether you think you have problems or not. There is so much going on in the world, that you should really find someone with a non-biased opinion to talk to about your life. Plus, there’s so many applications that make getting a therapist so easy, it’s literally at your fingertips. I personally use Doctors on Demand to talk with my therapist. I choose the time and date, who my therapist is, and what I want to talk about. I can have a quick session or an in-depth session. PLUS it’s covered by most insurances or benefits packages! LOOK INTO GETTING A THERAPIST.
Stop having problems with people who don’t care about you
The last thing you need to bring into 2022 is relationship problems with people you aren’t in a relationship with. If someone doesn’t care about losing you, then don’t give the power to tear you apart. What I’ve learned this year is to not waste time on people who wouldn’t spend a second thinking about my wellbeing, and neither should you. You’ll learn eventually who’s really there for you as a friend/family, and those who are only there to bask in your sunlight when they need the warmth.
Notice your internal reactions to things
This kind of goes with the point before this. Listen to your gut. Listen to your intuition. If someone makes you feel like you’re getting negative vibes, you’re most likely getting negative vibes. Stay away from the negative vibes. If your anxious and drained, take that into account. If you’re happy, excited, and full of joy to be around someone, then listen to that too. Then don’t feel bad about listening to your gut. You’re only protecting yourself.
Be open minded about criticism, not everyone is perfect or right all the time
Lastly, be open minded about what people say about you. When someone takes the time to tell you something they dislike about you and why, then take time to think about it. Not everyone is perfect, including the person telling you, but it could be something that you could improve on. For instance, if someone says they need some space and that you’re a little overbearing, then maybe it’s a nice reality check to take a step back and refocus on yourself. That only gives you the benefit of centering on yourself again. That doesn’t mean they dislike you, it just means that they don’t need as much communication as you do. Criticism goes both ways, so it’s always important to find a middle ground and compromise. But like I said - no one is perfect, not even you, not even me.